- ALT-Key Linguist v1.0.3ALT-Key Linguist v1.0.3 is now available from the download page. Need to type properly accented French or Spanish? Having trouble remembering all those codes for the non standard keys that you need to use on your English keyboard? An ingenious module within the ALT-Key program suite that modifies the letters as you hold them down. Hold the letter ‘e’ and it will change to all the European variants of that character è é ê ë € È É Ê Ë … allowing you to type faster and more fluently. Languages currently available: Dutch, Flemish, French, Irish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish… Read more: ALT-Key Linguist v1.0.3
- SettingsRight-click on the icon in the system tray and from the pop-up menu select Settings. Run on Windows Start If enabled it will automatically run when windows loads. Load Key Settings If enabled it will remember the key mapping file you had enabled when you last exited the program and automatically load it when the software runs. The same applies to StickyShift. Time before first key change Set the value (in milliseconds) for how long you have to hold down the key before the first alternative is offered. Please note this value must be greater than the windows keyboard setting… Read more: Settings
- MenuRight-click on the icon in the system tray to view the pop-up menu. Start ALT-Key Select to switch on ALT-Key Stop ALT-Key Select to switch off ALT-Key Key Mappings Select from the sub-menu which key mapping file you wish to load (only available once ALT-Key has started). Sticky Shift Select to force the shift key down for any key you press (only available once ALT-Key has started). Settings To go to the settings page Exit Select this to close ALT-Key
- ALT-Key – an easier, more efficient way of typing!A new set of programs and utilities to assist people. ALT-Key Access A new program to assist people who need or want to type with one hand. Do you struggle with keyboard combinations and capitalising letters on your keyboard? Do you find it hard to type with one hand? ALT-Key Access is a new program designed to help people with conditions that limit their use of one hand including hemiplegia, hemiparesis, ataxia, have suffered from a full or partial upper limb amputation or paralysis as a result of a stroke. Whatever your condition ALT-Key should make your life easier and… Read more: ALT-Key – an easier, more efficient way of typing!